My rating: 1 of 5 stars
And I'm done... I'm sorry to say, I will not be finishing this book, nor touching the other two. After everyone giving these books such rave reviews, I broke down and gave it a shot. I really wish I hadn't. I'm sure that many will not like my review of this, to each his own, I say!
The style of writing was so simplistic that I found myself bored in the first few minutes. I felt as though Collins' was reporting to me, telling me everything that was (and wasn't) important. The main character is supposed to be 16 years old, yet her voice in the story makes her come across as though she is prepubescent and very immature. I understand that they live in a sheltered society, but can't see how the character could be so underdeveloped mentally to lead to that type of personality.
I found it impossible to build any connection with the characters, as I was reading. With the basis of this story, it seemed that I should at least care whether they live or die, but I didn't.
In the end, this series just isn't for me.
© Courtney Conant, 2010-12. All Rights Reserved.