My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Making my way through this novel, I found it was a decent story. I was a bit torn on how to rate it, as it did confuse me a bit, but it is definitely a book worth reading.
Seeing as how it is part of a series, I can understand why there would be items that confused me in the process of making my way through it. That being said, (and no I won't go into detail of what confused me. You will just have to read the book...) I would recommend the novel to just about anyone. Most of the characters are very well developed. There was only one or two that seemed to have been a bit vague (not by their description but their actions and personality) but I assume will build and grow throughout the series.
Brooks has a great imagination and it shows in her work. The imagery she spells out makes it easy to visualize the scenes in the book. Everything Syd sees is clear and vibrant and well thought out.
The only thing that really drove me a bit batty throughout the reading was the fact that Syd (main character) uses so many metaphors that I wanted to bop her upside the head and tell her to grow up a bit. Of course, as the book progresses, this does seem to occur less often as she does grow as a character.
All-in-all, it is worth a read.
All-in-all, it is worth a read.
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