My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Debt of Bones was short and sweet. I enjoyed the writing style and the concept of it but it felt like something was missing. Of course, I blame myself for that. I think that if I had read the series in the order in which it was published, it would have made more sense. Silly me for starting where I shouldn't have.
It's kind of fun meeting Zedd, the wizard of all wizards, as a VERY young man. His abilities amaze and intrigue the reader, making you want to know more of who he is and where he came from. There is almost no background given on the characters (I can guess this is because more is given throughout the series and not in the prequel.) so I felt as if I was left wanting more.
I find that, with most series that have prequels, I can usually start with the prequel and it helps the rest of the series to flow better. With this one, it is the opposite. I can almost guarantee that if I had read it like I was supposed to, this novel would have gotten a 4 star rating. I'm sorry,Mr. Goodkind... I blame myself entirely and the 3 star rating in no way reflects your talent as an author.
In closing, seeing as I am now more than halfway through book one, I would definitely recommend starting there. Don't start with the prequel or you might not want to continue on with reading. Debt of Bones was well written and definitely a good read but I think readers would enjoy it more if read in the originally released order. Start with Wizard's First Rule and enjoy the ride through the world that Goodkind created!
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