I was asked to write this up for another blog about a month ago and have decided to share it here as well. So if you missed the post before, here it is for your enjoyment...
Creative Realities – An Escape for All
Alternate reality, quantum reality, alternate universe… They all encompass the same general concept, another world coexisting with ours. Why do they fascinate us so much? Because it’s an escape!
Creative Realities – An Escape for All
Alternate reality, quantum reality, alternate universe… They all encompass the same general concept, another world coexisting with ours. Why do they fascinate us so much? Because it’s an escape!
I have always been intrigued by the thought of there being something better, something else, outside of what I knew and loved. Growing up as a writer, I found that I’d write what I knew, unicorns and dragons, things from fairytales told to me by my mother. Never once had I learned of different worlds that existed alongside ours, yet on a different plane. Another world is not what I mean, as I’m sure most already know. These worlds are happening right here and right now, yet we can’t see them. They are the present, past and future, yet we may never know they are there.
It wasn’t until I saw What the BLEEP Do We Know that I finally understood what another reality truly was. Seeing that movie enlightened me to the possibilities that everything truly is happening all at the same time and that there constantly are other realities existing in the same exact moment.
Never had I thought of writing about an alternate reality until I was about five chapters into my novel, The Blood Moon of Winter. As I was writing, another world came forward and took over. It was as if this other reality had been there all along and chose that moment to become known. I say it like this because that is how it happened. I don’t plot out my stories, but let them write themselves through my fingertips.
While my novel involves an alternate reality, I like to call it my creative reality. It’s not a world like ours, but one that only the deepest pits of my imagination could come up with. It’s a reality that only exists in my mind and the pages of my books and it continues to move forward and grow even without my help. Though it is in my mind, it is real within, making it a true reality for me because I can escape to it whenever I like.
It is my creative reality and it is my escape.
© Courtney Conant, 2010-12. All Rights Reserved.

This is exactly truth of fantasy writers. My first book started from reality and like your's came to life on its own and drove me to continue. I really like this and could talk about it for several hours on end. Thanks for your imagination, I love the Blood Moon. Robin aka Arllaw