Rabbit: Chasing Beth Rider by
Ellen C. Maze
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Purchase the book here.
I had the pleasure of receiving a copy of this book for review and must say that I am very glad that I did. While normally I shy away from books with a religious theme, I decided to give this one a shot, based on others' reviews of it.
Immediately, the book draws you in with an intriguing interaction between the main character, Beth Rider, and an unknown assailant. It continues to keep you on the edge of your seat, as you follow Beth through horrendous (and some, not so bad) dealings with beings unlike herself yet more along the lines of the characters in her own novels. As an author, she has a great imagination and, with religion at her side, she finds a way to keep her inner peace intact. While being exposed to situations in which most would be frightened nigh unto death or in complete awe, she pushes forward. Her faith helped her through it all. (Keep in mind, that while religion plays a large role, it wasn't overpowering.)
Maze keeps the reader turning the pages, always wanting to know what happens next. There was a few times in which I thought I knew what was coming next, only to be thrown another curve ball. There was no way to even guess how it would end and I found myself quite surprised.
This book had everything necessary for the makings of a great novel and it definitely delivered. Ellen Maze is an author worth reading and I look forward to more of her books.