As a writer, heck, as a person... I have always been prone to distraction. In the past, I required that distraction stay as far away from me as possible when I was working on something. I'm one of those people that loses focus very easily. So easily, in fact, that it has taken me over half an hour to get this far into the post because I keep getting DISTRACTED!!!
Okay, and I'm back...
What was I saying again? Oh, right, distractions... They seem to take over my world when I really want to work on my writing. It's sad to say that seems to be the only time when I get really distracted.
Everywhere you look on the net, there are suggestions on how to avoid distraction. The main ones that I always come across tell you to shut off your phone, turn off the tv, disconnect the internet and pretend that there is no outside world. Tell everyone and everything that you are in DND mode and the first time the cat doesn't listen and tries to get on your lap, toss it out the window so that it stays away... Well, maybe just put it out of the office and close the door.
I've tried all these things and none of them seem to work anymore! Every time I want to start working on a project, I can't seem to get going. There are so few distractions that I find I can't focus on what is before me. It also doesn't help having a significant other that is more needy than my cats, when it comes to my 'ME' time. Okay, another exaggeration but still close. Why is it that when someone closes a door, the person on the other side always needs to know what's going on?
But I digress... The point that I was getting to was that I tried something different. For a couple of months I have been trying to write the first in a series of short stories entitled, The Mind Entangled. It was just a short story and should have been quick and easy to write. Yet no matter how many times I tried, I just couldn't stay on task. Finally, this past Monday, I decided to throw in every distraction I could find. That's right, folks! I broke all the rules. The TV was on (but to a low volume). My phone sat on the arm of the chair. I even had my cats laying at my feet.
After fighting with myself for so long, attempting to avoid the distractions, I discovered that I was causing more distraction by removing the elements that could supposedly lead to it. I got more writing done in two days than I had in two months, just by adding in the 'dangerous' components listed above.
What I've been trying to say this whole time is that
IT'S DONE! Yes, I finished Part One of The Mind Entangled and it came out pretty good and even longer than I expected it to be. Of course, it still needs to go through a final round of editing, but I'm very happy with the results.
My intention is to have it up and available to the public for download on May 20th. Watch my blog, my tweets, my fan page, etc... for more updates.
The Mind Entangled
After living what seemed to be a perfect life with the perfect man, Adrianna makes a life shattering discovery. When his supposedly dead family shows up, disturbing truths come to light. Everything about her life was a lie, especially her husband. Through powers unknown to her, Torstein controlled every move she made, every thought she had.
With her life falling to pieces around her, could only focus on one thought. Not
who her husband was, but