What I'm Currently Reading...

Interview With the Vampire (Vampire Chronicles, #1)Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice
I started reading these books when I was a kid but never really got into them. Time to give them another shot!

Death du Jour (Temperance Brennan, #2)Death du Jour by Kathy Reichs

Friday, May 13, 2011

Kitties and Windows...


For those of you that know me, and read my previous post, Elements of Distraction... Oohhh shiny!, you must know that I would NEVER toss my cat out a window. He does that all on his own...

That's right! The image on your left...

<----- poor destroyed window

That is the window that my cat, Monkey, threw himself through. I wasn't even in the room at the time! I'm innocent, I swear it!

The poor little guy was rushed to the kitty ER and got a face full of stitches...

Monkey  ----->

So remember folks, when trying to avoid distractions, keep your kitties away from windows...

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