Anyone who knows me, or has read my book, knows that I adore the word of Jacqueline Carey. The flow of her ideas and thoughts onto the page is mesmerizing and once I start reading, it's hard to stop. I've always been a fan of hers on Facebook and followed her posts. I'm so glad that I do too!
Yesterday she announced that she wanted to change things up a bit from her normal giveaway routine. She offered the chance for 10 bloggers to host the giveaways for her and I just happened to be one of the lucky ones chosen!
Saints Astray by Jacqueline Carey
Enter to win a signed copy!
Giveaway ends 11/22.
This is great for me and my readers both. For me, it's an opportunity. For the fans, it's a chance for a free signed book by an amazing author! Jacqueline and I emailed yesterday and she will be sending out the books herself. This means that if you win, you get it directly from her hands.
Just hop over, sign up and make sure to follow the rules...
Some seem to be having an issue with how to follow my blog. There is a button on the right of the page to "Join this site".
A Blogger/Gmail account is not required to follow.
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Also, Miss Carey was the one that requested this be US only for the initial giveaway. She has stated that she will be hosting her own giveaway in the near future that will be open to all.
© Courtney Conant, 2010-11. All Rights Reserved.