Always fighting distractions! Between working too much and training for my marathon, I'm having a difficult time focusing on my new novel. I'm supposed to be up to around 15k words right now to be on schedule for
NaNoWriMo yet I'm only just over 12k. All I can say is that I'm quite happy with where the story is taking me and am definitely looking forward to finding out how it ends. That will be quite a ways away though...
I've decided to give
Liquid Story Binder a try again, as I didn't really attempt to use it much when writing my last novel. I'm only using the free trial version, as I'm not willing to pay for something that I don't even know if I'll use yet. I will say that I like how it organizes things and breaks the chapters down.

I've gone one chapter that I know I have to go back to and so when initially writing it in Word, I highlighted the passage. This meant that I would need to scroll through the whole thing to find it. It
LSB, all I have to do is place an asterisk by the passage that I need to return to and hit F7 and it will automatically take me there, when in that chapter. That is pretty convenient but not quite enough because I'd have to remember which chapter it was. So how did I solve it? I made a new heading, something like "fix this chapter", and moved the chapter under that heading (keeping the chapter name/number intact so I know where it goes back to).
So far, I think I'm liking
LSB and might end up snagging it for all my work.
What could be better? Just saw that they are supporting NaNoWriMo and offering 50% off through the month. Ok, I might break down and buy it after all.
© Courtney Conant, 2010-11. All Rights Reserved.

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