My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Another amazing tale following Imriel nó Montrève de la Courcel as he seeks out his mother and hunts for a way to save not only his love but also his country from a spreading magic-induced madness...
Carey drags you into her world and forces you to fall in love with her characters. Her writing style flows like a beautiful song, every word reaching out to the reader and tearing at the beating heart within. It's difficult not to want more of Terre d'Ange, after picking up the first novel that introduces the world.
I've read and reread each and every book in the series. Each time, I find myself falling in love with the characters again. The trials and tribulations that the main characters go through is enough to break anyone, even the strongest of them. They pull through to learn and grow from the experiences.
I would recommend this series (and do) to every adult that I know. Carey's words will move even the toughest heart.
As Blessed Elua said, "Love as thou wilt..."