What I'm Currently Reading...

Interview With the Vampire (Vampire Chronicles, #1)Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice
I started reading these books when I was a kid but never really got into them. Time to give them another shot!

Death du Jour (Temperance Brennan, #2)Death du Jour by Kathy Reichs

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Moment of Excitement!

So this is news that I've known about for awhile now but finally get to really share! Jacqueline Carey, my favorite female author, has officially accepted an invitation to be the Author Guest of Honor at DarkCon for next January! I'm privy to this information because I helped to write up the invitation letter that was sent to her.

This morning she posted on her Facebook page that she would be attending. This was her first mention of it in a public forum so I guess that makes it even more official than the Con stating it. She will be in the Valley of the Sun for 4 days, I think. What's more, I get to spend that entire time with her! I get to play the role of guest liaison to someone that I admire. This is a big deal to me as I've been a fan since the first Kushiel book came out on the market.

I would recommend her writing to anyone (above the age of 17). Her style is so complex and yet her words flow smoothly. She is an amazing author deserving of much praise. If you haven't heard of her or her books before, you should definitely check them out.

Jacqueline Carey

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